Practitioner Kinesiology level
Practitioner Kinesiology level
Three In One Concepts
The title Three In One refers to the integration of body, mind and spirit, to emphasise the holistic nature of this kinesiology.
The method is deceptively simple but remarkably profound. Muscle-testing - gentle pressure on the arms - is used to access your body's whole-system memory (not just the conscious mind). The questioning process allows the individual to access information from the body-mind that helps to release past-time perceptions that have limited present-time possibilities. With this release comes access to authentic response and Choice, as opposed to re-action.
The techniques taught throughout these courses vary from creative visualisation, brain lateralisation techniques, and eye movements to Chinese meridian points, body polarisation, and behavioural genetics insights. The unique Behavioural Barometer provides an expansive overview of what emotions we experience when stressed while pointing the way to our more desired destination.
The series begins with Tools of the Trade, a two-day course which introduces muscle-testing, age recession, creative visualization, and other techniques to help heal past-time stress that is being activated in present time. Improve Learning Awareness explores the stress of learning and includes over 20 corrections to heal perception. Under The Code focuses on 22 physical 'Structure-Function' traits that reveal instinctive human individuality - an incredible way to deepen and improve your relationships.
Advanced One Brain connects digestive problems and other physical ailments to the emotional factors of these issues. Louder Than Words deepens the Structure-Function knowledge with an exploration of 52 traits. Structural Neurology heals the wounded spirit with meridian and body polarity corrections while defusing compulsive fear patterns.
Conscious awareness of our blocks from the past is not enough - you need to shift the energy. Straightforward energy-balancing corrections and visualisation techniques help to reframe past experience, bringing about the release of held emotion and outmoded response patterns. New choices are possible once the body-mind has cleared the held energy. Clients and students report dramatic shifts as they begin attracting more desirable circumstances into their lives.
For further information please contact:
Head of Kinesiology for England
Daphne Clarke KFRP (Adv)
Whaddon Hall
Milton Keynes MK17 0LY
Tel: 01908 502088