Practitioner Kinesiology level
Practitioner Kinesiology level
Touch for Health Professional
Touch for Health aims to develop confident and knowledgeable body-based kinesiologists capable of detecting and correcting imbalances in the individual energy systems of their clients so that well being is enhanced in their lives. The modular approach of the Advanced training encompasses all aspects of well being (including structural, chemical, psychological/emotional and subtle-energy aspects), the emphasis being on the facilitation of self-awareness.
Practitioners for this training are available all over the UK. For further information, please contact the Touch for Health website where you can find more information on the therapy and find a class / instructor in your area.
Alternatively, you can contact Helena Argüelles who is Head of Touch for Health Kinesiology in the UK, Head of the Touch for Health Professional School and International Kinesiology College Faculty for the UK, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia and United Arab Emirates:
Helena Argüelles, AKFRP
Tel: 0774 884 1820