Practitioner Kinesiology level

Practitioner Kinesiology level

Professional Kinesiology Practice

There are several levels of training, each one is assessed – not by written exam but by competency.  It is important that you are a competent practitioner and can demonstrate that you know what you are doing, not that you are good at writing exams.  Courses are taught in many countries through Faculty and Senior Faculty of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP).  All have a teaching qualification.

ICPKP provides course material for up to five years of study in Professional Kinesiology Practice in the form of:

  1. International Certificate in Self-Care
  2. International Certificate in Kinesiology For Wellness
  3. International Certificate in Basic Kinesiology Principles
  4. International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice
  5. International Diploma in Kinesiology - Professional Kinesiology Practice
  6. Vocational Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic®

This is a comprehensive, student-centred training available worldwide. The in-depth programme blends theoretical study and practical experience, enabling students of all ages and backgrounds to learn kinesiology and become highly skilled and sought-after practitioners.

The level "International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice" covers the KF's fully qualified Kinesiologist qualification:

KF Practitioner Level (after completion of PKP Foundation)

  • RBT 201 Clinical Body contact, palpation, professional client draping
  • BKP 106 PKP Finger modes, balance protocol, basic database, active listening
  • BKP 107 Many pain reduction techniques, assessment and contra-indications
  • BKP 108 Diet awareness, food combine & rotation, biogenic foods, history
  • BKP 109 Reactivity, posture, muscle stretch, sustained muscle use, contralaterals
  • EMS 201 Mastery of emotional stress release, 20 powerful defusion techniques
  • A&P 1 - Anatomy & Physiology
  • NUT 1 - Nutrition
  • CPM 1 - Clinical Practice Management 

SSC Supervised student clinic experience, 50 hrs
CPS Clinical practice client sessions 75 hrs
PKS Personal kinesiology sessions (min 5) 

Each classroom unit has a homework assessment journal to be completed by the student and then marked by their teacher.   A further online test is sat by the student to complete the unit.
At the end of the BKP 110, there is an End of Series assessment for which the student has plenty of opportunity to prepare, and which includes an oral Q & A, a practical exam, demonstrations of techniques and an online test.  

International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice
Cheshire Kinesiology
Denise Gurney KFRP (Adv.)
ICPKP Senior Faculty Trainer
Tel: 07843 256906

Penny Davey, KFRP