Practitioner Kinesiology level
Practitioner Kinesiology level
Wellness Kinesiology
Dr. Wayne Topping developed Wellness Kinesiology. It has its primary roots in Touch for Health and Biokinesiology and uses muscle testing to find what is stressing the energy system.
The training starts with courses designed to learn about how deeply stress affects the body in a mental, physiological and physical way, and then how to assist the client to defuse that stress quickly and effectively. The subsequent courses include working with the Energy Centres or chakras, physiological issues, phobias, anxiety, negative emotions and limiting belief systems which can lead to ill health. The Wellness training also includes a Biokinetic Exercises course which builds on the knowledge of muscles from Touch for Health or other foundation kinesiology courses and uses gentle exercises to balance over 160 hypotonic or hypertonic muscles.
In the Eight Extra Meridians course students discover how to balance all of the 20 major meridians using the indicator muscles for the eight extra meridians, how to use muscle tests related to the hypothalamus, anterior and posterior pituitary, thymus, pineal and parathyroid and incorporate many balancing techniques. Almost all of the courses specialise in ways to work with the emotional issues as well as the structural and bio-chemical aspects. Finally there is a course designed to pull all of the units together to enable the student to feel competent to mix and match any of the techniques to be a confident Wellness practitioner.
The training course is also a journey for the students as they work on their own issues during training and are then able to empathise with their clients. Also included are the foundation and core subjects courses for students to become Associate members of the Kinesiology Federation. Recognition is given to prior learning.