Kinesiology Modalities
Kinesiology Modalities
Wellness Kinesiology
Dr. Wayne Topping developed Wellness Kinesiology to cover the holistic i.e. emotional, nutritional and structural, aspects of health. It has its primary roots in Touch for Health and Biokinesiology and uses muscle testing to find what is stressing the energy system. Wellness Kinesiology works extensively with emotional issues combined with the nutritional and structural elements, to fully cover the issue/s the client brings to a session. It is the combining of these aspects which helps to bring the mind and body to a state of wellness.
Wellness Kinesiology clients are fully involved in their session, usually treated seated and always fully clothed. The therapist facilitates a process which is then continued by the client at home in their “growth work”. Each session is individual to that client and their needs.
Wellness Kinesiology