Kinesiology Modalities
Kinesiology Modalities
Touch for Health
Touch for Health Kinesiology is the most widely known system of kinesiology in the world. Touch for Health, developed by John Thie, is a more accessible version of the basic Applied Kinesiology developed by George Goodheart. It offers a safe, effective way to maintain health and well-being that is available to people with no previous knowledge of their body and how it works.
Touch for Health gives a thorough basis for all Kinesiology training, as well as being a powerful synthesis in it's own right.
On the Touch for Health website you can find more information on the therapy or find a class / instructor in your area.
Alternatively, you can speak with Helena Argüelles who is Head of Touch for Health Kinesiology in the UK, Head of the Touch for Health Professional School and International Kinesiology College Faculty for the UK, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia and United Arab Emirates:
Tel: 0774 8841820