Membership Categories
Membership Categories
International Registered Professional (IKFRP)
Initial Requirements:
- Completion of 1200 total hours of training, with a minimum of 600 classroom hours plus study and practical experience. Final assessment undertaken with assessors from the International Kinesiology College.
- Has ongoing public liability and personal indemnity insurance for a minimum of one million pounds
- Is at least 25 years of age
Evidence must include:
- Kinesiology - minimum of 300 classroom hours plus study and practical experience (within a 3 year minimum training course).
- A&P, Biochemistry - minimum of 90 classroom hours plus study and practical experience.
- Nutrition, Herbology, TCM - minimum of 30 classroom hours plus study and practical experience.
- Communication, Ethics, Business Admin - minimum of 40 classroom hours plus study and practical experience.
- Supervised Practice - minimum of 30 classroom hours plus study and practical experience.
- Two detailed case studies using the skills learned in the professional Kinesiology training program.
A minimum of 3 assessments are required for the Kinesiology subject (Foundation-K Assessment, Advanced-K Assessment and IKC Assessment).
Conditions of membership:
- Must hold valid public liability and personal indemnity insurance and accept that it is their responsibility to keep this current at all times.
- Evidence a minimum of 4 days (30 hours) of courses relevant to their Kinesiology business and Continuing Professional & Personal Development over a 4 year period.
- Members not meeting the CPD requirement will be removed from the referral register and will be re-instated only when the CPD evidence is received and verified
- Entitled to use letters ‘IKFRP’ or KFRP (Int.) and the KF logo with reference to KF membership.
The Kinesiology Federation is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Balens Limited, Bridge House, Portland Road, Malvern, WR14 2TA Tel 01684 893006 Fax 01684 891361, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
To find out more or apply for insurance please click here