Case Studies
Case Studies
Neck and Shoulder pain
Client example
Client W
Client W arrived for a kinesiology session with an extremely painful neck and shoulders which she had been experiencing for several months. Her head felt ‘fuzzy’ and she was unable to concentrate for long. She could not relate the problem to any past injury or particular emotional trauma – it haddeveloped over time as though out of the blue.
The doctor referred her for Xrays which showed nothing untoward and then to a physiotherapist for 5 sessions. These had made no significant difference. In desperation she had paid to see a consultant but he was unable to provide any insight into her problem.
During the Optimum Health Balance, various icons showed including Stress, Dural Tension and Intolerances. The imbalances in these programmes were corrected and W left the session feeling much more optimistic.
For the second session she was asked to bring small samples of the foods she ate, in particular those she craved when she was stressed. Food intolerances often over-energise the stomach meridian which governs many of the muscles in the neck and shoulders, so it was felt that these may be a contributing factor in her problem (particularly as the icon Intolerances had shown). Certain intolerances also affect brain function leading to ‘fuzzy’ thinking.
At the second session, she reported that her neck and shoulder pain had decreased but she still felt fuzzy. We tested the samples she had brought after first completing the Optimum Health Balance and found that many of the foods de-energised her muscle.
These included:
all the nightshade family (she particularly craved tomatoes), all types of bread, cheese and milk (although yoghurt was fine), coffee, chocolate and citrus fruits. Although the list was daunting, W was determined to help herself by avoiding all these foods until the next session.
She arrived at the third session absolutely delighted. All her neck and shoulder pain had disappeared completely and her head felt clear “At last, I can think straight. I had thought I was going mad!!!”
After this session, she returned for MOTs every month or so and found that after a while she was able to introduce small amounts of some of the foods into her diet. When she occasionally experienced a return of her symptoms she always admitted that she knew she had ‘maxed out’ on one or more of them.
Overall, the OHB sessions provided her with more insight into her problem and gave her the tools to help herself.